Knappa High School Senior Project
Important Dates for Seniors
Senior Project
The senior project, or as ODE calls it the extended application, is designed to allow students to work on a project outside of school with an adult mentor. This can be a variety of things such as a volunteer project, work-based learning, Research project, etc. This project must be documented and at least 40 hours of time should be spent on the project.
Students should fill out the proposal form and get it approved by their advisor by the end of their junior year.
Senior Project Requirements:
★ 4 CRLEs Minimum - 1 each year
★ EPP - Completed through Oregon CIS
★ Senior Project Proposal - Due by end of Junior year
★ Senior Project - Completed by the end of March of their Senior year (40 hours/calendar/journal/other documentation submitted)
★ Senior Project Presentation - Completed by the end of April Thorough presentation explaining the process of their senior project
Career-Related Learning Experiences (CRLEs)
Students will complete a minimum of 4 career related learning experiences while they are in school. These will be built into school experiences such as job shadows, field trips, guest
speakers, etc. Students will fill out the attached form when they complete a CRLE. Form below:
Educational Plan and Profile
The Education Plan and Profile is a document that serves as a road map to guide student learning throughout their secondary education and into their lives after high school. It also serves as a living, growing collection of a student's achievements and interests. This document should stay with the student through any school transfers, and should be updated at least yearly.
Students will complete this using the Oregon CIS portal. Staff will get more information on this shortly.
Community Night
Typically takes place beginning of May - Required event for seniors to present their projects to the community.
Please take into consideration the following rules when decorating your graduation cap. Failure to follow these rules will result in removal of the cap prior to the ceremony. Students WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the ceremony without a cap and gown. Graduation caps will be reviewed and approved in advance of the ceremony.
Cap decorations CANNOT:
- Contain any advertisement, symbols, abbreviations, slogans, patches or pictures that refer to drugs or controlled substances, tobacco, alcohol or weapons.
- Be of a sexual nature.
- Denote an affiliation with gangs or which advocate drug use, violence, illegal activity, or disruptive behavior.
- Be obscene, profane, vulgar or lewd.
- Include numbers other than graduation year.
- Threaten the safety and welfare of any person.
Cap decorations MUST:
- Only be on the flat, top area of the mortar board. There may be nothing hanging down from any of the sides of the cap.
- Be flat on the surface of the cap. 3-D creations are prohibited.
- It is appropriate to put the following on your cap.
- Thank a parent, grandparent, teacher, friend.
- Recognize the university, technical school, or branch of the military you will be joining.
Senior Project Presentations
What are senior presentations?
Senior Project Presentations are held on an evening prior to Graduation in the KHS gym/commons. The KHS community, parents and family members are encouraged to attend and see what our students have done for our community. This is another way to congratulate the class of seniors verses attending the Graduation Ceremony.
What does it require?
The senior presentation historically entails a trifold poster containing your senior project details from start to finish. The presentation is certainly not limited to only a trifold, if you would like to go above and beyond, please arrange your ideas with your mentor and principal.
- Neat & Organized
- Contains the process of beginning, middle and end/results
- Multiple photos
- Text & Color
Senior Project Presentation Examples pictured to the left.